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Are You Working on Personal Development?

If you’re tired of mediocrity and feeling uninspired, it’s time to make a change. Why settle for less when you can go out and get what you deserve? Living a life of mediocrity creates an environment prime for unhealthy habits and lack of personal development and growth.

This old quote comes to mind, “Idle hands are the devil’s workshop.” If you’re unfamiliar with this saying, it basically means that when someone isn’t busy doing good, they likely will fall into troublesome activity.  In my experience, this couldn’t be more true. Even seemingly harmless activities, like watching television and sitting on the couch every night, are not beneficial for your personal development. 

Of course, everyone needs leisure, down time, and self care, but it’s important to consider your spiritual, mental and physical health. Has your life become a routine of mindless work? Only to go home and stay stagnant? Whether you are feeling stagnant or actively making unhealthy choices, there is ample opportunity to improve yourself. 

Consider some of these major areas of personal development below. As well as where you can evaluate yourself and see where you can improve.


If you are feeling mediocre about your work life, ask yourself what can be improved. Are you working in a place where there is opportunity to grow? It’s important to have room to grow in your professional life to avoid becoming dormant and uninspired. 

If you feel that your work life has no opportunity for personal development and growth, consider looking for the next opportunity. A great way to break into a new field is by volunteering, attending professional networking events, or taking classes. Don’t stay in a stagnant workplace because it’s comfortable, and push yourself to explore out of your comfort zone.


If you are unsatisfied with your present state of health, it’s time to make a change. Of course, you should always consult with a doctor before making any changes or if you’re experiencing any symptoms. 

In my opinion, physical and mental health are closely connected. As a recovered addict and founder of a substance abuse treatment organization, I have a lot of experience with mental illness personally and professionally. Mental illness like depression and anxiety, can be debilitating when left untreated. If symptoms get severe, seeking medical attention right away is critical. 

Once diagnosed and under the supervision of a doctor or therapist, you can take action and help keep symptoms at bay with exercise. Exercise is a healthy way to cope and express that extra anxious energy. Working up a sweat and getting your heart rate up are key. Taking a walk or mild exercise is better than nothing, but to really get the endorphins flowing, push yourself to get some high intensity exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes every day. 

This could be running, biking, a fitness class, or other fun activities that get your body moving. Find something you enjoy and try new things. There are so many opportunities to improve your physical health. There’s no reason to let your workout routine become boring. 

Some people with depression struggle to have the motivation and desire to get up and be active. In this case, I recommend having an accountability partner. Working out with a friend or family member can be helpful in keeping yourself accountable.

Another way to keep yourself accountable is to sign up for a gym or exercise classes that charge fees when you cancel/no show. This way, you are incentivized to get that exercise in and also socialize at the same time. Studies show that exercise and socializing decrease symptoms of depression. You can improve your depression and overall quality of life by getting in an awesome workout with a friend. 

Family & Social 

Socializing is an important part of life. There are many health benefits for the mind and soul when you connect with people, especially through shared experiences or vulnerability. Push yourself to get out there and reconnect with old friends, make new friends, or spend time with family. 

A mediocre social life can affect your entire life, leaving you uninspired or feeling your life is meaningless. Be weary of connecting with people who try to pull you into a surface level glamorous social circle but are toxic. These types of people may be involved with criminal activity or drugs. 

I was born and raised in an area with high crime rates and drugs. Associating with my peers only led me to a life of drugs and crime. I dropped out of school in the 7th grade, and by the time I was 16 I had been in and out of juvenile detention for two years and was charged with twenty-one felonies.  

Now that I focus on building connections with like-minded individuals it has only inspired me to be better. I feel fulfilled in my social life and this helps with my overall personal development.

The Work Never Ends

Remember that your personal development is something to work at every day. It involves learning new skills, discovering your true potential, continuity of inquisitive behavior and unleashing your creativity all the time. If you’re ready to move to the next phase of your mindset, open your heart and reconnect to your true authentic self, join me at We Level Up

At We Level Up we build rooms where beautiful moments of breakthrough are shared. Together we navigate through our personal roadblocks and find connection in our unique stories. See yourself in others and achieve self acceptance as we work through joy, anger, sadness, fear and shame together. Gain freedom through this special community in a space of non-judgement. 
If you’re struggling with a life of addiction and your substance abuse is holding you back, please visit We Level Up Treatment Center. Level Up Treatment is a multi-faceted drug alcohol and mental health treatment center. With dual diagnosis programs, we uses evidence-based proven methods to generate cutting edge solutions to drug alcohol and behavioral health challenges targeted towards families and individuals.


9 thoughts on “Are You Working on Personal Development?”

  1. This article is so important, Ryan! Identifying and challenging limiting beliefs has been a major growth area for me. Your reframing techniques are powerful tools. Can you elaborate on how to deal with deeply ingrained limiting beliefs that have been present for a long time?

  2. Ryan, your emphasis on practicing gratitude resonated deeply. Developing an attitude of gratitude can truly shift your perspective. I’m incorporating your gratitude journaling suggestion. Do you have any tips for maintaining a grateful mindset during challenging times?

  3. It’s wonderful that you are sharing your insights. It surely is inspiring. Personal development is a lifelong thing but you just feel at peace when you know you are doing the best you can for you.

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